Value Fresh International

How to Identify Real Ceylon Cinnamon and Cassia?

Distinguishing between real Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon can be challenging, but there are several visual, aromatic, and taste characteristics that can help you identify them. Keep in mind that some cinnamon products may be labeled incorrectly, so it’s important to purchase from reputable sources. Here’s how to identify real Ceylon cinnamon and cassia:

Visual Differences:

  1. Quill Appearance:
    • Ceylon Cinnamon: Ceylon cinnamon quills are thin and delicate, with layers that can be easily separated. The quills are soft and fragile, and they may have a more papery texture.
    • Cassia Cinnamon: Cassia cinnamon quills are thicker and harder, and the layers are harder to separate. The quills can have a rougher texture.
  2. Color:
    • Ceylon Cinnamon: Ceylon cinnamon has a lighter tan or light brown color.
    • Cassia Cinnamon: Cassia cinnamon is darker, often reddish-brown.

Aromatic Differences:

  1. Aroma:
    • Ceylon Cinnamon: Ceylon cinnamon has a delicate, sweet, and slightly citrusy aroma with floral notes.
    • Cassia Cinnamon: Cassia cinnamon has a stronger, more intense aroma that is spicy and pungent.

Taste Differences:

  1. Flavor:
    • Ceylon Cinnamon: Ceylon cinnamon has a subtle, sweet, and complex flavor with a gentle spiciness.
    • Cassia Cinnamon: Cassia cinnamon has a more robust and pronounced spicy flavor.

Labeling and Origin:

  1. Check the Label:
    • Look for products labeled as “Ceylon cinnamon” or “Cinnamomum verum” to ensure that you are getting real Ceylon cinnamon.
    • Be cautious of products labeled simply as “cinnamon” without specifying the type. These are more likely to be cassia cinnamon.

Purchase from Reputable Sources:

  1. Buy from Trusted Suppliers:
    • Purchase cinnamon products from reputable spice stores or suppliers that specialize in high-quality spices.

Coumarin Content:

  1. Coumarin Levels:
    • If you have access to lab testing, you can test the coumarin levels. Ceylon cinnamon generally has much lower coumarin content than cassia cinnamon.


  1. Price Consideration:
    • Ceylon cinnamon is often priced higher than cassia cinnamon due to its premium quality and unique characteristics.

While these methods can help you differentiate between Ceylon cinnamon and cassia, keep in mind that the spice industry can sometimes be complex, and mislabeling can occur. To ensure you’re getting genuine Ceylon cinnamon, consider purchasing from trusted sources and suppliers who provide detailed information about the origin of their products.

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